mercredi 2 septembre 2015

Please help an old Tivo guy figure out what to do next

There is a not-so famous quote by Abe Simpson (of the Simpsons television show) that I think sums me up:

"I used to be with 'it', then they changed what 'it' was, now what I'm with isn't 'it', and what 'it' is seems strange and scary; it will happen to you!"

I was an early adopter of Tivo1 around 2000, then Series 2, then moved to a house with DirectTV and got DirectTivoHD, then moved to a Comcast/Xfinity house and I have had a Series 3 HD with a cable card since 2008.

I went through the (at the time) typical headaches with Comcast trying to get the Series 3/cable card set up successfully, but once we got it working, it has worked flawlessly for 7 years. I haven't visited this site in over 5 years because I've been happy with my 2-tuner Tivo in one room, and Comcast boxes in the others; and I didn't want to re-live the inevitable headaches with Comcast if I changed my Tivo box. I should also mention that I pay the Tivo service fee annually, which obviously turned out to be a huge mistake 7 years later, but what are you gonna do. . . . .

Anyway, while home AV used to be an interest of mine, I really have been out of the loop and don't know the new technologies/lingo, and I'm not looking to go back to school. What I need is help from you folks that are wired in. The 2-tuner Tivo has been a troublesome limitation for my family for a few years, but as the kids get older and my wife's list of crappy reality TV interests grows, it is clear that changes must be made. I have also heard that Comcast will stop supporting HD over my device, but that hasn't happened yet and I honestly don't know if it will affect me (I didn't receive a letter from Comcast, but it is entirely possible that it got thrown out as junk. I am in the Philadelphia area). Friends and family whose opinion I have asked have pretty much all laughed at me for still having Tivo, have all pronounced Tivo dead, and seem puzzled that I won't just trash the Tivo and let Comcast handle all of my needs.

The fact is that over 15 years ago I recognized Tivo as having far superior software, interface and user experience, and I have been a loyal customer for all of that time. So, ye Tivo geniuses, what's a guy to do? I think that the newer Tivo boxes still require cablecards, but I hear that cablecards are on their way out, so if I spend money now, it may all go down the drain?? If I do upgrade my Tivo box, am I facing the same horror show of an install when I have to find someone at Comcast that knows cablecards? I am genuinely interested in your opinions.


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