mardi 15 septembre 2015

Streaming from Amazon Prime and no Dolby Digital?

I'm having an issue with streaming from Amazon Prime on a Roamio Pro where the movie description states it has 5.1 Dolby Digital, but I get no audio unless I switch the Roamio audio output to PCM from Dolby, and then I only get ProLogic sound. Same issue with the Mini connected to the Roamio.

And of course I have to stop the movie/show, back out of Amazon, make the change, then go back into Amazon, all of which is a royal pain. And then I get crappy audio for my efforts.

All the 'normal' HD channels coming off the Roamio/Mini have Dolby 5.1, it's just Amazon that has an issue.

Is this normal, or do I have some problem on my end of things?

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