mercredi 24 mai 2017

This'll be my last TiVo. I deleted ALL my OnePasses. Undelete?

Because of the f***ing stupid TiVo website, which flipped the two columns around when I was about to delete all my OnePasses from my old TiVo (which was on the right column then swapped to the left column), I deleted ALL my OnePasses from my new box. They're not on the old one any more either.

Any way to "undo" or is that too much to ask from TiVo?

I've been a TiVo user since the nineties but this Bolt will be my last TiVo. The service is so archaic and ridiculous. Transferring to the new...

This'll be my last TiVo. I deleted ALL my OnePasses. Undelete?

This'll be my last TiVo. I deleted ALL my OnePasses. Undelete?

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