mercredi 2 août 2017

Picture quality Bolt/Roamio Pro/Xfinity X1

Comcast moved me to a new tier that dropped our bill a bit and it included an x1 dvr. I said sure, I'll take it since it was included in the package.

First thing I did was figure out how to upgrade the HD. I was able to take out the 500 and put in a 2TB and it partitioned 1.8TB of space on primary partition.

Second thing I did was power it up, hook it up to another HDMI port and let the thing boot, provision, reboot, and setup.

The picture quality from the X1 compared to the Bolt (or...

Picture quality Bolt/Roamio Pro/Xfinity X1

Picture quality Bolt/Roamio Pro/Xfinity X1

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