mercredi 26 mars 2014

Survivor Cagayan : "We Found Our Zombies" : OAD 3-26-2014

Quit? QUIT??? Because someone is mean to you and you're afraid you'll do something you regret? Bollocks. That was as lame a quit as Survivor has ever seen. Shame on Lindsey.

As for Alexis, I'm glad they ditched her instead of Jeremiah. That thing Tony did with the clue was clever, but evil, and doubly so having come from a cop. Then Tony doubles up on the stupid with his admission at camp and then the "Final Five!" taunting. That was not clever.

I am a bit confused why Alexis and Jeremiah were considered a danger to flip, but not Morgan.

Spoiler from the preview for next week:


I wish I hadn't watched that. They show too much in the previews. Anyway, merge time. Dang Lindsey probably accelerated that by a week.

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