vendredi 28 mars 2014

TiVo analog units for sale with lifetime

Have three units for sale, all with lifetime service, all with remotes, all plus shipping of your choice from zip 90068:

-Series 2 Dual tuner, service # 649-0011-8047-XXXX, capacity up to 212 hours. Asking $150.

-Humax Series 2, whatever the original recording capacity was. Asking $100.

Both the above are registered to me and can be transferred. Both work perfectly.

-Series 1, lifetime, with that aftermarket network adapter installed so no phone line needed. Intermittently (every few days) freezes on whatever channel it's on. Changing channels clears it up. This unit was bought at a yard sale, original owner unknown, NOT registered to me, so no transfer possible. But it does have lifetime service, and will get guide data and updates if sent. Asking $50.

Always interested in trades (partial or otherwise) for HD units with lifetime, even those with only one tuner working.

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