mercredi 2 avril 2014

With Windows 9, Microsoft may finally forget the past and embrace the future

Am I just panic prone, or is Microsoft about to set a course with Windows 9 that leaves the video hobbiest out in the cold?

"Interestingly, Windows 9 might not include a “Desktop for running legacy Win32 apps,” according to “previous tips,” and will be updated “frequently and regularly” via the Windows Store."

Say good bye to Win 32 apps?

I am more inclined to shout "Say it ain't so!" First they abandon development of Windows Media Center.Now, I suppose we can say goodbye to TiVo Desktop software, VideoReDo, Total Media Theatre, Showbiz, Mediabrowser and a ton of other programs that are not 64 bit programs.

I am going to have to start looking at other OS options.

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