jeudi 3 septembre 2015

Big Brother 17 - 9/02/2015 Veto

So glad James won the V.

Now, about Vanessa, what a b&%$@. Maybe that conversation was heavily edited but she really just flew off the handle at James. He didn't sound like he was specifically insulting her, just saying her gameplay/strategy was opposite of his.

I think it was a terrible move to put up Julia as a pawn. Well, I mean a terrible move for the Austwins. I hope the house gets smart and sends her out. :)

Still just don't see how that was a good strategy. Jmac could have gone up and I can't imagine he would have been any more upset as when they sent him out the door last week. Steve, put him up, he's dead weight.
Eitehrway, I'm glad. I just hope it works out that Julia goes.

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