mardi 1 septembre 2015

This will make you 2nd guess streaming over DVR Recording

We knew this would be the case anyway, but.......

Scripps ramps up live TVE streaming, dynamic ad insertion from Anvato
Scripps Networks Interactive has ramped up live authenticated streaming and dynamic ad insertion (DAI) for its HGTV, Travel Channel, Food Network, DIY Network and Cooking Channel.
Working with multiscreen technology company Anvato, Scripps soft-launched live streaming on the channels in June.

Scripps is using Mountain View, Calif.-based Anvato's Media Content Platform to enable live streaming of its channels, as well as the insertion of targeted, nonlinear advertising.

Scripps is, of course, late to the multiscreen party. But its vendor said it wanted to get the DAI component right before it enabled live streams of its cable channels.

"The last couple years, you've had brands big and small say, 'Okay, we're going to stream. Let's get it done and we'll figure out how to make money later,'" Matt Smith, chief evangelist at Anvato, told AdWeek. "Scripps looked at this and said, 'This isn't just about extending the brand. This isn't just about putting our live channels on every other screen.' They also took the tact of, 'Let's look as this as a profit center, not a cost center.'"

Recent advances in DAI technology have enabled programmers like Scripps to make authenticated multiscreen viewing profitable, Smith said.

"Ad insertion for streaming has been around a couple of years, but I don't think it's hit its stride until recently," he added. "We're seeing this unprecedented strategic shift to where people come to the table going, 'I've got the app built, I know what I want to do for the streams, and, by the way, I'm going to monetize it.' That last piece is critical. They're coming to the table armed with not only budget but also some numbers in terms of what they think they can make by using ad insertion over the next quarter to two to three. It's really exciting and really cool to see."

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