mardi 25 mars 2014

Seriously? No Amazon viewing!?!

I thought the whole idea behind the Mini was to protect the copyrighted material with no need to have multiple standard TiVo's using MRV to transfer it.

Why can't you watch rented or purchased material from Amazon on the mini? This is just stupid!

It's only being streamed internally in your own dwelling, there is no reason it shouldn't work otherwise there is no reason to purchase content from Amazon! I can completely understand the legal copyright restrictions of not allowing such content to be transfered but with the Mini, it's not being copied, just streamed.

I know it's Amazon that puts this rescriction in place so it's not all Tivos fault short of them going along with it and allowing Amazon to do such but it's not a technical rescriction as premium content such as movie channel recordings can't be transfered but can be streamed.

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