samedi 22 mars 2014

Tivo Android App Suggestions

Sure, I wish it could stream, but that has been suggested for a long time. I have three suggestions for the user interface and remotely controlling the Tivo (in priority order):

1) Provide an option to schedule a manual recording through the app. Sunday CBS Sports always runs over. If I know when 60 Minutes starts, I know when the Good Wife and Mentalist start and can program a manual recording intead of searching for the start in a padded recording. I'd like to do it from upstairs without interrupting what the wife is watching.

2) The app lets me delete a show from the My Shows list IF AND ONLY IF I haven't watched or started to watch. If I forget to delete it after watching, let me clean up the My Shows list from upstairs. I think the competing DVR Commander allows this. Include the Delete button for a (partially) watched show.

3) There is a Tivo app which only allows portrait orientation and a Tivo for Tablets which appears to only allow landscape. Why not allow either view and use the orientation sensor.

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