lundi 19 janvier 2015

FS: TiVo Roamio Plus with Lifetime (4 months old)

I recently 'upgraded' to a Roamio Pro, so I need to sell my Roamio Plus. I tried the eBay route, but the not-quite-so-smart buyer couldn't get it working with his cable company and demanded that eBay force me to take it back.

Learning my lesson, I am cutting eBay out of the equation and seeing if there is a TiVo-savvy buyer on TCF. The eBay sale was for $650, but the front bezel is now chipped (thanks for sending the unit back uninsured, buyer!). I have had the unit up and running for a week, so it is purely cosmetic. We can negotiate down for the cosmetics, as long as I can find a good home for the unit.

I am local to Washington DC Metro area, but would ship.

I can provide pics and details as needed.

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