jeudi 3 septembre 2015

Streaming from Roamio Basic?

I'm considering jumping on the current basic Roamio deal that is being offered, but am quite confused about its streaming (in)ability.

Currently, I own a Roamio Plus, a Premiere, and two HDs. The Roamio Plus is in our family room and is the primary TiVo we use. The Premiere is in the master bedroom and gets quite a bit of use too. One of the HDs is in my home office and barely gets used (typically, I'll just turn it while I'm working in the home office to pay bills--basically white noise type of thing). The other HD is collecting dust while I dream of putting it up for sale (all four units have lifetime service). I currently do not own a TiVo Stream.

Lately, I've found myself watching a lot of Netflix and have noticed it takes a lot longer to load on the Premiere than on the Roamio Plus. Everyone in the family loves the Plus so I've been wanting to upgrade the Premiere to a Roamio (in which case I would move the Premiere to the home office and mothball the HD unit that is current in there).

So, here's my question: When the Roamio line as first introduced, I thought I read that a single Roamio Plus or Pro could be used in place of a Roamio Stream to allowing streaming from a Premiere on the same network. I also thought that the Plus or Pro could be used in place of a Roamio Stream to allow streaming from a basic Roamio. However, when I contacted TiVo sales yesterday, I was told that was not the case. In fact, I was specifically told that if I wanted to stream from the basic Roamio, I would need to buy a TiVo Stream. Is this true?

I was also told that the Stream can be connected to only one TiVo at a time so I would have to choose whether to connect it to the basic Roamio or the Plus. Is this also true?

Frankly, I don't care about being able to stream from the home office TiVo. We don't record much on there. However, I do want to be able to stream from the family room and master bedroom TiVos. If I can't use the Plus to activate streaming from a basic Roamio, I'm not sure it is worth jumping on the current basic Roamio deal because that means I would have to spend another $130 or so on a Stream.

Incidentally, last night I was able to stream from my Premiere to my iPad while on my home network. This seems to support my theory that the Plus can be used in place of a Stream to stream from a Premiere (if not a basic Roamio).

I appreciate any insight and input you all can offer. Thanks in advance!

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