mardi 4 mars 2014

ABC closed caption issue, need feedback (esp Houston)

Having an issue with captions, need feedback from enough people to narrow down the problem. I am in Houston, but need feedback from all over to see if this is a local or broader problem.

Short version: The captions on ABC are delayed, just enough to be difficult to use. I need to see if others are having this, and if so, where you are, so I can provide focused feedback to someone (ABC?, Comcast? local station?) to get it fixed. This is HD only.

Background: For those who use captions, you know that when properly done, the captions appear a split second before the actual spoken words. Captions that appear late are very difficult for the brain to process.

[Aside: this is for scripted, prime-time series only. Live shows, news, reality shows are often captioned on the fly, and the captions appear several seconds after the words are heard. I am referring to scripted TV, such as SHIELD or Trophy Wife or Modern Family.]

About 3-4 months ago, I had a problem with captions on ABC appearing late, about 2-3 seconds late. I watch on a TiVo with a Comcast feed. I also have an older TiVo on antenna, and when I watched the same show on that (via KTRK-13, the local affiliate), it was perfect. This told me it was something between the local station and Comcast going wrong. I wrote to Comcast, they responded quickly by asking a bunch of questions, and before I could get around to answering them, the captions started appearing correctly again (couple weeks later). So I dropped it.

Now it's back. Every ABC scripted show has delayed captions. So I check my OTA TiVo, and they are delayed exactly the same. Hmm, so OTA and cable are both bad. I also have DirecTV at another house (same city), and they are delayed too! So now it's clear every form of broadcast has the same delay--OTA, cable, DirecTV. It started about 2-3 weeks ago.

So now I'm wondering, is it everything broadcast from this station (KTRK-13) that has a problem, or is it more widespread? So I need to see two things:

1) Does anyone else, outside of Houston, have a delayed caption problem on ABC?

2) Does anyone else in Houston have this problem? Whether you do or not, if you could respond in this thread, and let me know how you get ABC (antenna, DISH, DirecTV, cable, ATT, etc), I would appreciate it.

Thanks! I need to get some data so I can figure out where the problem originates.

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