mardi 30 septembre 2014

Considering mini but have some queries

I'm considering getting a mini now that there's no more service fee, but I don't know if it would be worth it.

Currently I have 2 Panasonic plasma TVs -- one downstairs for main viewing connected to a Roamio Pro and another one upstairs in a spare room that is connected to a SD set-top box (because FIOS charges a whopping $8/mo just for the HD box).

The mini would eliminate the need for the set-top box upstairs and give me HD picture on my other plasma, but I'm concerned about dedicating one tuner to the mini. Does that mean I can no longer switch back and forth between six programs on the main Roamio unit? I rarely if ever record six programs at once but I do like the ability to set my tuners to six different stations (local networks, HBO, Showtime) and go back and forth between the buffered recordings.

Also, what is the best connection for the mini? My cable modem and wireless router are all on the first floor, so I would not be able to provide a wired ethernet connection for the mini. Does it require a lot of bandwith? Currently I have a 50/50 connection but am considering downgrading.

Any advice or suggestions would be greatly welcome. Thanks.

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