dimanche 28 septembre 2014

Tivo Roamio OTA + Tivo Roamio Cable + Tivo Mini + Tivo Stream

I have a Tivo Roamio Pro, Tivo Premiere, and Tivo Mini currently running in my home.

I am able to stream from both the Tivo Roamio and Tivo Premiere to IOS devices in my home. I guess the Premiere is able to use the streaming capability built into the Roamio pro since I don't have a separate Tivo Stream for the Premiere.

I am interested in the possibility of adding a Tivo Roamio standard for OTA.

1) Can my Tivo Mini transfer shows from both the pro and the OTA TiVo's?

2) Can I stream the OTA shows to my IOS devices without needing an additional TiVo Stream, like my TiVo premiere is able to do now?

Thanks in advance for your inputs.

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