samedi 27 septembre 2014

diagnostics on a tivo formatted drive

I have a tivo HD (S3) in a reboot loop. I ran kickstart 54, 57 and 58. KS 54 showed no errors on any of the tests (short-long, etc). This reboot followed a data corruption issue (unable to load new program data...which I thought fixed with the KS 57). A couple of days later the reboot started.

I installed the original WD HDD and the tivo booted right up and loaded program data and updates...which leads me to believe that it is the hdd.

It is an WD AV-G EURS 2 Tb drive that is the one causing problems. I plugged it into my computer with a USB-SATA adapter, but I cant seem to read the disk using Win7 to run WD DIAX tools (just to be sure the disk is not bad). I can see the drive as administrator with WINMSF...

Anybody know how I can gain windows access to the drive to test it using USB to this a matter of needing to hook it up internally to my Win7PC?

I checked out the power supply and maybe there is one slightly bulged capacitor. I could replace it if I knew what the label on it is hard to read...if you think that is the problem.

Any help appreciated.

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