dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Frustrations with TiVo Support

This post is admittedly a rant. I realize that it's unlikely that anyone working for TiVo will read this, but I don't know what else to do.

I am very frustrated by TiVo's support. This wouldn't bother me too much, but recently I've had a number of reasons to contact them, mostly about the software on my TiVo unit, and I've had little satisfaction.

To start with, if I visit the "My Support" page, there are a number of items there, almost all titled "Support Portal Case: TiVo DVR, TiVo Roamio Pro". In the "Status" column many of them say "Closed". Four of them say "Waiting on Customer". If I click on one of those, I'm asked to "Add an update", but I"m given no information about the original problem report or what type of information is needed. It would be tremendously useful if I could find a summary of the original problem. Without this information, I have no idea of what's going on.

One of the subjects is "xfinity VOD gsm-2". That baffles me. I've never used xfinity equipment.

I've complained about this to a TiVo telephone support person. That person had no way to deal with my complaint and no apparent way to relay my complaint to anyone.

Is there any way I can contact anyone who can deal with this problem?

In other posts I'll describe a number of other problems I've had with the TiVO software.

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