samedi 3 mai 2014

Tivo recording reruns as "new"

I'm brand new to Tivo and I did try searching for these, but I couldn't easily find anything.

My Tivo Roamio Plus is recording a bunch of rerun episodes of shows on my season pass even though I have them marked as "new only" in season pass. Is there anyway to fix this?

I'm still on the 20.3.8 so if it was in this new update I don't have that yet.

Also, just a quick question, does anyone know what might causing the audio to cut out for just a split second when hitting the Tivo button? When I hit the guide button everything is fluid and the TV picture minimizes in the upper right, but when I hit the Tivo button the sound will cut out for a second and then come back in with the tv picture in the upper right. It's not a huge deal, just more of an annoyance. Thanks!

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