samedi 28 juin 2014

"NEW" tag vs. first aired date

My family and I love our Roamio. It's our first TiVO device. Years ago we had an UltimateTV but had been suffering for years with the cable box provided by our service (Frontier).

One thing I'm confused about is when / why the "NEW" tag appears next to a show. For many shows we record, episodes are regularly marked new that clearly are not. The most confusing thing is that the first aired date, which the Roamio consistently displays in the episode details, seems to contain the info needed to verify whether a show marked new is really new or not, but the Roamio unfortunately seems to ignore this information.

I'd love to know more about this and whether there are any rumored plans for the Roamio to start using this info when determining whether and episode is new.


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