mardi 28 octobre 2014

Deal on Roamio Lifetime Subscription?

I bought my TiVo Roamio and 2 x Minis last year in November.

At the time I did not get a lifetime subscription on any of them.

When I saw that TiVo is now selling the Mini for $150 with the subscription I called last month and tried to upgrade my Mini's for $50, but failed.

I then saw an add offering a Roamio lifetime subscription for $399.99 and called once again.

I told the agent I wanted to upgrade my Roamio for $399.99 and my Mini's for $50/each.

He reluctantly said he could do the deal Minis, but the Roamio discount was only for existing users so I would need to pay the full $499.99.

I went ahead and upgraded the mini's but not the Roamio.

My contract is up in a few days and I plan to keep my Tivo's for at least few more years.

For $399.00 the payback is 27 months, but $499.99 is 33 months and that may be pushing it.

Has anyone been able to finagle a deal on the lifetime?

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