mardi 28 octobre 2014

No internet connection when using Kmttg or Pytivo

I have a Tivo Rroamio pro with windows 8.1 installed on my computer Since about 3 pm Today I an not able to connect to Tivo to downloads programs The connect times out using pytivo. I have kmttg version 1.1e installed. I have tried using the network and use beacon instead bangor.

I get this in kmttg.

>> Getting Now Playing List from CADDY ...

C:\KMTTG\curl\curl.exe --retry 3 --anyauth --globoff --user tivo:MAK --insecure --cookie-jar C:\Users\???\AppData\Local\Temp\ p --url] --output C:\Users\????\AppData\Local\Temp\NPL513110759160768805.tmp

Failed to retrieve Now Playing List from ????

Exit code: 35

Check YOUR MAK & IP settings

curl: (35) Unknown SSL protocol error in connection to

My MAK is correct and m. router is reading which is what my TiVo is set to.

What could be wrong?

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