mercredi 27 mai 2015

Please help! Tivo connection issues, at my wit's end

I have had one version or another of Tivo since 1999 generally without problems (until a massive Premiere crash), and currently run a Premiere, a Roamio basic, and two Minis connected to the Roamio.
The Premiere and Roamio have been connected for a while via MoCa with no issues using my FIOS Actiontec router/modem. The first Mini was added about 6 months ago with no issue. The 2nd Mini was added a month ago with no issue as well.
Last week we abruptly lost power for about an hour. When power came back on everything seemed fine, at least until we turned on the TV's with the Mini's attached. At that point we could see that they were no longer connected via MoCa and the connections could not be reestablished. Subsequent checking showed that the Roamio had lost connection as well as the Premiere. The Actiontec MoCa adapters had all 3 green lights on, but it was like the MoCa option didn't exist according to the Tivo's. I tried multiple resets and everything else I could think of to no avail. I eventually spent two hours on the phone with Verizon since it seemed likely to me that the problem was on their end rather than all the Tivos having issues simultaneously. You can imagine how worthless that entire 2 hour conversation ended up being. They eventually agreed to send me a new router to try.
While I was waiting on the new router, I connected the Roamio wirelessly with no issues, but the Minis would never connect. I got the new router today and changed it out with the old one. I powered everything down and reset everything. Now things are even worse. Not only are there no options to connect via MoCa, but I can't get the Roamio to connect to the Tivo service either wirelessly or via ethernet. It will connect to the internet, but not the service. Depending on what I am trying I get N13 or N33 errors. I don't see any indication on my router that any ports are blocked. When I have the Roamio connected via wifi and it will start to connect to the Tivo service, including setting the clock and checking my account status. After that it will download for a bit and then fail. When connected via ethernet, it fails while trying to connect and gives the N13 error.
My current (and former) connection involves the cable coming out of the living room wall into a splitter with one leg going to the Verizon cable modem and the other leg going to the Roamio (or the MoCa adapter when it worked). The ethernet cable runs from the cable modem to a powered switch which is connected to the Roamio, and Xbox 360, and Xbox One. Keep in mind that the setup had worked for over a year with the two Tivos and over a month in it's final configuration including the two Minis. Nothing changed in the system. Maybe the power outage had something to do with it, or maybe that was just an odd coincidence. Either way, the result is the same, I have a lot of expensive, useless Tivos, and the natives are getting restless.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

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