mardi 26 mai 2015

Tivo HD S03 error

My Tivo 3 HD has a regular problem with an S03 error. I start getting messages saying my guide data is running out (with a specific date) and that I need to connect to service. This is an ethernet connected Tivo. When I try to connect I get a failure with an s03 error.

So, having gone through this over and over again...fixing it with hdd replacements (running tests on the hdd show it is error free) and Kickstart 57's I am trying to understand WHY this keeps happening because it is a pain. Recently I called Tivo tech and they suggested unplugging the ethernet cable for 3 days and then trying to connect again. WELL, this worked for whatever reason.

I have read some threads in here about using a timer on the tuning adapter (COX) and having it turn off every night for 4 hours. Is this something I should do? I am willing to by a cheap mechanical timer and plugging it in...but is this really what is going to solve this from happening every few months?

Anybody empathize with this issue or have any clues as to why this keeps happening.

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