samedi 17 mai 2014

Orphan Black 5/17/14 “Ipsa Scientia Potestas Est”

So Rachel is Leekie’s boss? I figured it was the other way around. And yet she’s his subject.

Sarah and Meathead, the new Odd Couple. There’s a Felix joke in there somewhere...

There seems to be more to Cal than meets the eye. Nice go-stash he’s got. Survivalist or spy?

Still not sure what’s going on with the religious science nuts. And Maggie Chen comes back into the picture. I suppose it all starts to make sense eventually...

Oh, Paul. I used to kinda like you. If you were less of a complete dick, I might feel sorry for you for the terrible way Rachel takes advantage of you.

“Don’t do anything crazy.” Oh, Art, do you even watch this show? He sure seems to have gone off the reservation.

“Original genome.” Wonder what they mean by that?

So Leekie’s kinda sorta a good guy after all! he?

I suppose I should just make a macro to type this every week, but I continue to be amazed at Tatiana’s ability to distinguish the characters so thoroughly that I sometimes literally forget it’s the same person.

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