vendredi 6 juin 2014

6 tuner Roamio Pro started to lock up...

Today marks the 4th consecutive day that my 6 tuner Roamio has locked up. 2 times it was while watching play back of a show in HD. (all of my recordings are in HD) , and the other 2 times it was while watching live tv.

The problem starts out with a brief pixilization and then leads to an unresponsive TiVo remote. After staring at a frozen screen for about 1 min, the unit reboots. 1 time it was constant pixilation which required a hard reboot (unplug power wire).

I see there are constant mentionings on here about lock ups. My question is, how can I test if its the drive ? Are there drive diagnostics that can be used, and if so, what would I be looking for?

Also Im up for other ideas too. Ive got about 120 hd shows that I'd hate to lose. Thanks.

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