dimanche 8 juin 2014

KMTTG sees Tivo but no files found

UK Virgin Media Tivo box.

Windows xp running KMTTG as per this h ttp://lifehacker.com/5048824/decrypt-and-remove-commercials-from-tivo-recordings-in-one-step although activestate pearl is 5.16.3 build 1604 not the 5.8 recommended (with tk). I don't know if that is the problem.

My problem is that KMTTG sees my Tivo box automatically. MAC address entered but it cannot see any films, progams, recordings on the Tivo. I am trying to take all files off my Tivo so I can format the hard drive which has a couple of bad patches. Also a couple of recordings that I would like to keep on my laptop.

Can anyone help?

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