jeudi 28 août 2014

Error V53 - OTA, Channel 24.1 Toledo, OH

My device is a TiVo Series4 SoftwareVersion 20.4.2-01-2-746

I have been having a V53 error on one channel constantly for approx 3 weeks, prior to that, no problems at all.

My signal is an Over The Air antenna.

My signal strength on the channel is about 78-81%

My SNR on the channel is 30dB (about the same on all channels)

Diagnostics say Signal Lock YES, Program Lock NO.

Every other TV in the house (without TiVo) tunes the channel in without issue.

I have had NO other problems on any other channels. Or with any other TV in the house. I am 99% sure the problem is with the TiVo box and its programming.

What can i try to resolve this issue?

Have Tried: Restarting, rebooting, powering off, blowing out the box, unplugging everything from the back - 24.1 still won't tune.

Replacing splitter from the outdoor antenna - 24.1 still won't tune

Using a good indoor antenna hooked directly into the box -24.1 still won't tune

So that leaves, the TV station, and the TiVo box... Unless there's something i'm missing?


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