samedi 20 septembre 2014

Ok, So I am an idiot....

So my Premiere XL4 was making intermittent noise like the HD was starting to go. It's got a WD20EURS and so I ran out and bought a WD20EFRX Red series so I could back it up before it crapped out. Took the cover off, and it's the #&@^# fan that was making the noise.

So, I figure I may as well make a backup while I can.

First - should I reinstall the old drive and keep the new one pristine, or figure that I've already got a couple of years out of the old drive and put the old one on the shelf?

Second - Any preference around here for ddrescue remix v12.04 vs. using JMFS v104? I have 316HD hours now and it seems I would have to run JMFS and not expand (both are 2TB), but it's not clear to me if I'd have to supersize? Somehow I think the bit for bit copy of ddrescue is somehow more logical, but I'd appreciate any thoughts.

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