dimanche 5 octobre 2014

20.44 Update Changed Roamio IR Codeset

Here's a new one. Been using my Roamio Plus, XL4 and 5 Mini's for over a year with a Pronto IR remote control.

After the 20.44 update, the Roamio and only the Roamio will not respond to number commands from the Pronto (pause, play etc. still work). The XL4 and Mini's on 20.44 all work just fine with the same remote.

Things I have tried:

Rebooted the Roamio

Connected to the TiVo service

Unpaired the Slide RF Remote

Does anyone have any ideas on this one?

Also, what's the difference between the new Slide Remote for the Premiere/Mini and the one for the Roamio? Are they programmed differently?

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