jeudi 13 octobre 2016

Tivo added "new" OTA channels which messed up a recording

This has happened multiple times in the short amount of time I have used a TiVo over the air... I come home to find that TiVo has added a dozen or so channels to my lineup, which I can't actually receive. It seems like its the same ones every time.
This happened last night, and I had a recording scheduled which I look forward to every week. It decided to record on one of these "new" channels which I don't really get. (It's a good thing I have Hulu... I should be able to watch it tonight).
As a work around to this problem, I need to go into each OP and change them to record on a specific channel... but I shouldn't have to do that. There ARE shows that I legitimately want to record on any channel as new episodes come on one channel, and old ones (which I may not have seen) come on another channel.
Are there any tricks to stop this from happening? I'm not sure why, at least once a month, I get new channels added to my lineup and they are enabled by default. This causes lots of problems with my recordings if I don't catch it quickly.
This is really starting to get frustrating

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