mardi 27 juin 2017

2 "Lifetimed Legacy" TiVos...any suggestions?

So of my three TiVos that I have, all with lifetime, the Series 1 was traded in last year for the Bolt w/ the free lifetime transfer. That leaves a Series 2 which is in a spare room and actually still on dial-up (!!!), and my oled Series 3, which is in my bedroom, and using an antenna (no cable cards)...17 channels coming in fine.

I just purchased a Mini from the $99 sale a few days ago, should be here tomorrow. This could take the place of the Series 3. I could put the 3 in the spare...

2 "Lifetimed Legacy" TiVos...any suggestions?

2 "Lifetimed Legacy" TiVos...any suggestions?

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