mardi 27 juin 2017

Move Hard Drive from one Roamio to another Roamio?

Roamio #1 (monthly) has a 2TB hard drive that I installed when I bought the Roamio over a year ago, so there are lots of shows recorded on it. I just bought Roamio #2 with a lifetime subscription, but I haven't received it yet therefore it has not yet been activated.

I'd like to retire Roamio #1 along with its monthly fees making Roamio #2 my primary.

Is it possible to remove the 2TB hard drive from Roamio #1 and install it in Roamio #2 and preserve the shows already recorded on it?...

Move Hard Drive from one Roamio to another Roamio?

Move Hard Drive from one Roamio to another Roamio?

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