mercredi 18 février 2015

Guide data seems to be getting worse!

Has anyone else noticed lately the growing inaccuracies in the guide data leading to missed or repeat recordings? I'm stunned to see how many shows I'm missing because the original air date is incorrect. Example: Property brothers on HGTV aired tonight at 9:00 PM EST and though the episode is marked as new, the original air date shows 01/12/15 instead of 02/18/15. This is happening across many different series/channels. I spoke with TiVo and honestly they seemed clueless and asked me to report each of these occurrences which is simply ridiculous as it would become a full time job.

I just can't imagine how Tribune Media which I believe supplies EPG data can get away with such poor and inaccurate data - though I'm sure they would simply pass blame on the content providers which may in fact be part of the equation. In any case, this is simply unacceptable as it defeats the whole point of set it and forget it...

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