vendredi 6 février 2015

Help with Mini Problem

Sorry for the long read, but please need some help trying to work out a problem with one mini. I have 3 minis connected by moca to a roamio plus, using the roaimo as the moca bridge. Everything works great (at least not this type of problem, cause I would hear about it) on the other minis

Sometimes when I turn on my bedroom mini from standby, I get a black screen. The guide bar comes up with correct data and it even lets me rewind (not sure the tivo term where it records the channel if its not on), and I can watch the channel with video and sound up until the point of when I turned on the mini, then all goes black.

With black screen I can go to tivo central but when I press live tv again its black screen again. If I channel up, I am faced with a blue spinning circle and the mini becomes unresponsive to the remote.

Only way to resolve once I get the blue spinning circle, is to hard reset the mini and once its rebooted a channel will come in and all is well till next it flukes out.

It doesn't happen every time, I estimate about 70% of time.

I chatted with tivo tech support about problem, and basically stonewalled me when he asked if I used 2ghz splitters and I replied I just use 1ghz, he automatically said that was my problem. When questioned further he just kept saying "We need to get you in a supported setup"

So if anyone can help me please reply, from all the reading I did in prepping to setup moca, Ive read 1ghz splitters is all that I would need and for it to affect 1 mini out of 3. My next step is to switch around a mini and see if the problem follows. Thanks in advance

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