dimanche 22 février 2015

Issue with TA - Bug or Feature?

Some background: I have TWC in Cincinnati. I have a basic Roamio. The Roamio has a cable card and is connected to a tuning adapter via USB. My cable signal runs into a splitter. The splitter provides a signal to the Roamio and the TA.

About a week ago, the Roamio was recording two programs on channels that do not require the TA. I tuned to the Big Ten channel, which requires the TA, on the third tuner. I was met with a "Channel not available" error. So I unplugged the power cord from the TA, counted to five, and plugged it back in. This caused a "No tuning adapter" standard def screen to appear, and the Roamio stopped recording on the two channels that don't require the TA.

So I clicked "OK" on the TA error screen and quickly switched to the first and second tuners, which had been recording, and pressed the record button to get them recording again. At the same time the green light on the TA was blinking indicating that it was rebooting. About two minutes later, the green light went solid on the TA and a standard def screen appeared say "Tuning adapter connected." At this time, the Roamio again stopped recording on the two channels that don't require the TA. WTF!

The result of all this was that I had 20 minutes of recordings before I power-cycled the Roamio. 2 minutes of recordings while the TA rebooted. And 37 minutes of recordings after the TA completed its reboot.

So why on earth would Tivo write code that quits recording channels simply because communication to the TA is lost? Surely the Tivo can tell if a video signal is still present on tuners that are recording channels that don't require the TA. The two minutes of program that was recorded while the TA rebooted, and the Roamio could not communicate with it, proves that there was signal on those channels. And more importantly, why would Tivo write code that stops recording on channels simply because communication to the TA is restored.

I can think of no reason why the Tivo should quit recording on channels that do not require the TA, so I consider this a bug. What do you think? Should I report it to Tivo as a bug?

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