samedi 20 août 2016

DVR is Displaying "Viewing is Not Permitted"

I'm having a little issue, and I'm hoping that someone here can give me an intelligent and honest answer. I can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone.

I live here in Arizona. I just moved from Tempe, AZ to Phoenix AZ on the West Side. I have a Tivo Roamio that I have had almost two years. Now the Tivo was set up in Tempe, by Cox Communications. I'm assuming it was hooked up with the MoCa configuration with a cable card and splitter with a Cox Tuner that is from Cisco. It was set up and I never had an issue only once in the two years, where I had to swap out the Tuner for a newer one. Cox's equipment is PURE CRAP, very cheap. Anyway, I moved here to a new house that my partner and I purchased over a week ago, here in Phoenix West. Now, I'm having issues where when I sign into the TiVo Online site or the Tivo App to set up a recording. I get an error message saying that it cannot connect to the internet. As my Tivo is set up to connect with Wi-Fi. I also noticed this evening that say for example, HGTV! I can view the station on the Higher HDTV Station but I cannot view it on the lower number version of the network, the lower number isn't HDTV. Can anyone shed some light on this, I hope I didn't confuse anyone. In the morning I was going to exchange the Tuner adapter and Cable Card for new ones at the Cox Communications store.

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