mardi 20 septembre 2016

Tivo adding "new" OTA channels

I recently picked up a used TiVo Premiere that I use for OTA TV only.

Yesterday, I had a message on my TiVo that it added about 15 "new" OTA channels. I went into the "Channels" screen and all of them were listed and checked.

The problem is that every single one of them is too far away to come in at all. So I had to switch to live TV, go through all the channels one by one, writing down which ones don't come in, and then go back to the Channels screen and uncheck them all since there's no easy way to remove a channel from the list while viewing it.

I don't understand why TiVo would add channels and check them by default for someone who is using OTA only. OTA channels don't change very often and if this is going to be a regular occurrence, it's highly annoying. At the very least, it could scan the new channels for a viable signal before adding them.

I recently got my elderly mother a TiVo Premiere as well and it just did the same thing to her. She's not technically savvy enough to go in and edit the channels she receives. So if I don't go over there and fix it, her TiVo will be taping blank shows on channels she doesn't really receive.

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