samedi 20 décembre 2014

Question on upgrading my TCD746320 to 1TB

I bought a used TCD746320 and was able to get lifetime. I subsequently found a 1TB Caviar Green drive that I had forgotten I had. In order to upgrade the machine from 320GB to 1TB, what is my best option?

It would be nice to keep what little I have recorded so far, so my preference is copying the drive, but I don't know if I can simply clone it like other computer drives or if I need to use the DVR/TiVo-specific programs that have been created.

2 assumptions:

  1. Since the existing 320 is 'married' to the TiVo, I'm assuming I can avoid a C&DE as well.

  2. Since I have a working, current, TiVo drive, I can avoid the need to download an image.

I'm new to TiVo and appreciate any help curing my ignorance on drive upgrades.

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