mercredi 18 février 2015

SuddenLink Cable Card paied yet not activated

I have a question. I have SuddenLink in Bastrop, LA. I have 2 Cablecards and a Tivo Roamio and a Tivo Premier 4. When I first got it for my 4 I called and paired it and Nothing! It was paired, but wouldn't work.

At Christmas I got the Roamio, went to pickup a cable card and same thing. It is saying it is paired, yet not activated. I swapped out the cable card to the Roamio and paired it and the Roamio is working, but I still can not get the Premier working.

Has anyone else had this issue? Suddenlink thinks I'm crazy. Last time the guy came out and called the same info to pair it and it started working. I was wondering if it was on the techs end and not the offices end, etc.


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