jeudi 19 février 2015

Undercover Boss - 2015 Season

New thread, because the last UB season thread was from 2013, and it's time to leave things be.

I have to admit this season has been the most interesting one - while the usual time slot is on a Friday (and from the daily ratings thread, it scores highly), there is also the odd episode shown on a Sunday slot, where the show gets buried.

And apparently, it's CBS definitely burying the more controversial episodes. I mean, it buried the season opener on the Sunday following Christmas.


And what a controversial episode it was... with a CEO who basically has a mantra of breasts, all the time athis restaurant. He fired the first worker for wearing a shirt instead of showing off her breasts and for not embodying the whole deal


And the last episode about Peavey Electronics (you know, the guitar amp guys - either from growing up in the 70s and 80s, or from the music game craze nearly a decade ago).


Geez, talk about going all the way and then failing - I mean, they laid off practically everyone on the show in a way they said they would fix. And for one guy, he got to experience the whole "Never accept a counteroffer" rule (where if you get an offer from another company, don't go to your boss to get a better deal because it never works out) because he put in his 2 weeks, then decided to stay because of the promises that were made. The whole episode ended with "The company is trying to find a way to provide the rewards.

No wonder they needed to bury the episode (and from the ratings, buried it was, coming in at 0.3 or something like that).

Still formulaic, but... wow.

Even more interestingly, I have to use a time-shifted CBS because our local CBS isn't carrying ANY of the episodes.

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