mardi 28 juillet 2015

Mini FAQ?

Is there a comprehensive FAQ for the Mini? Having relied for so long on multiple DVRs, I have not expended any effort to keep up with developments regarding the Mini and find myself with loads of questions, now that my Series 3 will apparently be obsoleted by the cable company's conversion to MPEG-4.
  • Is it just a streaming device? or is there a buffer?
  • How does fast forward and advance work on the Mini?
  • Can HBO programming (i.e., copy protected) be viewed on the Mini?
  • Can the Mini stream off TiVo Desktop (or whatever new desktop application/server currently exists)?
  • The best price may not be found on the typical websites people purchase TiVo equipment from... Do all Mini's automatically have lifetime service or do some come without service requiring a separate fee to use the device?

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