mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Getting back in the game. Miss my Tivo

So...Fios talked me into their new Quad whatever, best thing since sliced bread. We had been using Tivo exclusively since 2001. I figured the cable companies MUST have caught up by now with their DVR functionality. Boy was I wrong. We all hate it. We end up not recording or watching much(not that is necessarily a bad thing!). We want our Tivo back!

So, I am ready to get back in the game and would like some advice on Roamio. Currently have two lifetime services. One is being used by my Mom, and one is gathering dust. Does this qualify me for multi room discounts on the annual or lifetime service if I buy a Roamio? I am assuming I should buy either the Plus or the Pro. The only difference I see is more recording time on the Pro, which for almost $200, I don't think I need 3,000 hrs.

Now, about the MoCA Network Adapter. This part is Greek to me, not sure what I need. I am connecting directly to the cable for the TV input, and have a network extender that I can get a wired connection from (since the network extender itself is wireless, will this be an issue?).

Lastly, do I buy the Mini? And if it's worth it, how portable is it to swap from room to room if I want to watch in another room?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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