dimanche 30 novembre 2014

How Long Before Tivo is Gone?

When will On-Demand make Tivo and all DVRs obsolete? No "if" - WHEN.

Like the VCR before it, Tivo is transitional technology. It has a limited shelf-life. When will "the cloud" take over?

Tivo is costly between the price of the box and the cost of the subscription. Worst of all, it does not adapt to short-notice or no-notice schedule changes. Shows don't start or end on time and get clipped. With on-demand, that doesn't happen.

Tivo has shown no interest in solving the problem. Their only interest is add-ons that mean money for them, not benefits to users. Corporate greed now reigns, not technology.

Tivo's streaming capabilities are inferior to Roku, to Chromecast, to Kindle and the rest. People have been asking for Amazon Prime on Tivo and have been ignored.

Tivo deserves to go belly up.

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