mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Roamio Pro on FIOS can't conenct via MOCA

Hi all I think I am the only that expected plug and play with my Roamio on FIOS via MoCA and didn't get it. I am getting the C33 error when I try to connect via MoCA.

My set-up:

Fiber->ONT->(via coax) Actiontec MI424-WR (ver D) router

ONT->coax splitter->(via coax) Roamio Pro

Spoke to a tech at Tivo. They have no idea why my Roamio cannot connect to MoCA. To check if the problem was a bad MoCA device in the Roamio we tried to connect a Mini on the same coax line and unfortunately I got the same connection error (C33).

What is strange is that the same coax that I was using to test the Roamio's MoCA and mini's MoCA works fine in a Motorola Cable modem that I am using to go from coax to ethernet for my Tivo S3. Never a connection issue and the Motorola set-up was plug and play.

I did connect my Roamio Pro via ethernet and downloaded all the updates and completed the initial set-up. I disconnected the ethernet and tried MoCA again but still the same C33 connection error persists.

The TIVO tech recommends disabling MoCA on my Actiontec router and allowing Roamio to create a MoCA network from the ethernet connection.


1) any further ideas on troubleshooting the reason my Roamio can't connect via MoCA on a standard Verizon FIOS install?

2) If I do disable the MoCA on the Actiontec can you explain how to do it? I am not sure how to do it.

I want to have the MoCA network, because I want to connect a mini and do not have an ethernet available in that location.

Attached is a screen shots from my Actiontec in case you see anything glaringly incorrect or odd. Happy to send more if you are looking for something specific.

Thanks in advance for you help and Happy Thanksgiving!

Attached Images

File Type: pdf Verizon.pdf (47.5 KB)

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