mercredi 25 mai 2016

TIVO Android app not working with Premiere Quad

I'll apologize in advance if this has been addressed--I've searched but either come up empty or facing hundreds of pages...

Recently we upgraded to a Premiere Quad (with RCN). Previously I had been able to use my Galaxy 5 (Android) phone as a remote and also to set recordings, view the guide, and delete recordings or modify OnePass--very handy.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled the app and it still doesn't work. Says the DVR needs to be activated and I have to contact RCN. They didn't know anything about that. I've gone into the Settings and opted to allow a remote device and followed the app instructions.

My wife recalls that when the DVR was installed the tech told her it would only work with an iphone--but everything I've seen says all models of Premiere.

Anyone know if that's true, or how I can get it to work?


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