jeudi 6 novembre 2014

Green Screen dead Elite: Options?

I have a Premiere Elite, maybe 3-4 years old, stuck between rebooting and a Green Screen of Death (see photo). After 1-2 minutes of the reboot cycle, it displays this screen, then after 3-5 minutes, it starts rebooting again. Endless repeating... for hours. I've tried unplugging, let it sit a few hours, yada yada, nothing works.

1) What is this screen, what does it mean? (And why in 12+ years of TiVos have I never seen it?)

2) What are my options? This is a lifetimed Elite.

I'll venture a guess I can buy a new hard drive. How much, and from where?

I could also buy a new TiVo (get a Roamio, and the speed upgrade that brings). Then sell this one?

Options, ideas, help!

Attached Images

File Type: jpg hes-dead-jim.jpg (38.7 KB)

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