dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Treat stream series like Season Pass

I first asked a similar feature back in the Series 3 days and I know nothing will ever come of that version - At the time it was common to have a network connection that could not quite maintain a stream. So click on a video from a streaming vendor and buffer it into Now Playing. Let me watch it and delete my copy later. Have the copy automatically delete if that's what it takes.

I know why it's not going to happen. Legal issues of copying content that was not broadcast.

So what I want now is not listing Hulu and whatever in menus. It's *actual* integration with all of those stream vendors. Say I want a Season Pass to West Wing (MASH, Babylon 5, Mister Ed, whatever). I go through all the menus to find it and I mark that I want a Season Pass for it. When I go to Now Playing it lists now West Wing. It remembers which season, which episode and how far into that episode I am so I don't have to navigate a dozen menus just to get to a show I want.

That would be an enormous market differentiator - Only have to find a show once in its custom menus per stream vendor. As good as the Season Pass feature for series once it knew how to follow schedule changes. By the way now that we have a Roamio I love that it now knows how to follow a series across channels! Do that across stream vendors and it would rule!

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