For a Romeo Plus
Everything calculated at 24 months of service
Factory renewed is $100 + (20/mo x 24 months) Total $580
New is $325 + (15/mo x 24) Total $682
-or- New is $325 + (150/Year x 2) Total $625
Lifetime is New $325 + $400 or $500 for lifetime. Total of $725 or $825
I am currently paying $15 for comcast's horrible X1 DVR
Of course I would love to get a new with lifetime but that is a lot of $$ to lay out for me right now. So here is the question. Since lifetime is out of the question any reason I should not get the Refurbished unit. They have the $50 repair cost if it ever breaks.
Thanx for your opinion.
Everything calculated at 24 months of service
Factory renewed is $100 + (20/mo x 24 months) Total $580
New is $325 + (15/mo x 24) Total $682
-or- New is $325 + (150/Year x 2) Total $625
Lifetime is New $325 + $400 or $500 for lifetime. Total of $725 or $825
I am currently paying $15 for comcast's horrible X1 DVR
Of course I would love to get a new with lifetime but that is a lot of $$ to lay out for me right now. So here is the question. Since lifetime is out of the question any reason I should not get the Refurbished unit. They have the $50 repair cost if it ever breaks.
Thanx for your opinion.
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