mercredi 24 juin 2015

Migrating from Comcast X1 DVR to TiVo Roamio

What is the right process for migrating from an X1 DVR to a TiVo Roamio without experiencing too much downtime?

I am going to try to give it a guess, and I'd love some feedback from those who have gone through the process properly...

1. Procure all TiVo hardware (Roamio + Mini)
2. Request and pick up CableCard from local Comcast office (keeping X1 hardware for the time being)?
3. Disconnect X1 Hardware
4. Connect TiVo Hardware
5. Provision CableCard via phone call to Comcast
6. Return X1 Hardware to local Comcast office

Is that about right? Can I keep the X1 hardware while I get my TiVo and CableCard provisioned?

Do I need to call and order my CableCard first, or do the local Comcast offices have CableCards ready for pick up on demand?

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